Bay Point, Pittsburg, and Antioch

The CCRCD addresses community water concerns and assesses needs and usage for disadvantaged communities.

Bay Point Urban Greening & GI Opportunities

Image of a poster promoting the benefits of green infrastructure

The Contra Costa Resource Conservation District (CCRCD) in collaboration with Hyphae Design Lab, a local expert in public sanitation and ecological design, is completing a study of green infrastructure and urban greening in Bay Point. The study will assess existing public and open space facilities and develop a strategy to effectively meet the current and future needs of the Bay Point community.

The goal of the project is to better understand the city’s need for stormwater infrastructure and green spaces using data and public feedback, and propose a set of multi-benefit green infrastructure (GI) solutions to improve water quality/flood mitigation and incorporate vegetated buffers for air filtration and urban heat island improvements, with a focus on environmental justice (disadvantaged communites) and open space/transit access.

We propose two unique strategies to 1) build a coalition of community members and local stakeholders and 2) explore, prioritize, and design the addressable environmental justice issues and green infrastructure opportunities.

We welcome your feedback and involvement! You can fill out a survey and also  sign up to get updates on the project, when we publish data and reports!

The CCRCD logo alongside a decorative image

This project is a community participatory study initiated by the CCRCD, funded by the Prop 1 bond through CA Dept. of Water Resources and developed by hyphae design lab.

Below are the videos and a presentation from the first community Zoom meeting named "Bay Point Green Infrastructure & Urban Greening Webinar - June 15, 2022."

Part 1: Learn About the Possibilities
Part 1: Learn About the Possibilities

Needs Assessment Summary Video

Regional Water Needs Assessment Report

Image of a document cover

San Francisco Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management: Disadvantaged Communities and Tribal Involvement Program

This report gives an overview of the individual needs assessments conducted by Disadvantaged Community and Tribal partners between 2017 and 2021, as well as a synthesis of findings and recommendations for the San Francisco Bay Area IRWM Program region. It also includes findings and recommendations from a survey conducted in partnership with two direct service providers to understand Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) access from the perspectives of people experiencing homelessness. One intended outcome of this work is to support the development of projects from Disadvantaged Communities and Tribes to address identified issues that could be proposed in future IRWM funding rounds and other funding sources.


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Needs Assessment Frequently Asked Questions